Episode 29: Actuaries in Policy with Aidan Nguyen
“It's really any areas of society that that we collectively decide we want to an interest in, in getting the policy right, whether it's our environment, whether it's our health, our health system, and whether it's our financial health and our financial system. And then it's how we come up with those common rules to improve our lives.”
Aidan Nguyen,
Aidan is an actuary working in public policy. In his current role within the Actuaries Institute’s Public Policy Team, he helps to channel the voice of the actuarial profession as a trusted adviser and honest broker to get better retirement income and life insurance policy and regulation. Aidan previously worked in policy at a peak industry body and before that as an actuarial consultant both within the superannuation and the life insurance industries. Outside of work, Aidan loves to stay connected with family and friends, and planning that next adventure.
In this interview Aidan shares:
Why he decided to move into a policy role after qualifying as an actuary,
His career highlights as an actuary working in public policy,
What he finds challenging about working in public policy,
Why intergenerational equity is an area where he thinks actuaries could play a bigger role, and
His top tip for actuaries wanting to work in public policy.